These two panels are 6' tall by 3' wide. They are made to mimic a mural one would put in a child's room but these are filled with lots of texture and 3D effects.
The idea of having your walls hand painted is so lovely, but also so fleeting for something requiring so much skill and labor. Once it has been outgrown or the family moves the mural will be painted over and lost.
I wanted to create something large scale that could be a family keepsake filled with nostalgia enjoyed generationally. I envisioned this being a piece of art that gets passed through out a family to each family member that has the next baby to enjoy. Something revealed at a baby shower accompanied with photos of the mother-to-be as a child in the playroom with the art in the background.
Each piece is filled with lots of texture and thoughtful details. I used caviar micro beads, multi-colored beads, metallic braided twine, acrylic paint, texture paste and oil pastels. It's not necessary for the murals to be on multiple panels, however this will give a smaller room more options to break up the art onto several walls and to accommodate windows.
I can't tell you how joyful it was for me to create these murals, I would love to create a custom piece like this for you and your little one! I'm bursting with ideas... mama bear with her cubs in the forest, a pond with lily pads, frogs & fireflies, birds singing to her babies in their nest... it goes on and on. We can even incorporate something of your own into the art creatively. Let's create something together!