After many months of planning and fundraising, countless hours painting, and gallons on gallons of coffee: the East Austin Studio Tour was a success!

I want to give a big thank you to everyone who came out to support Femme-Easta and an even bigger thank you to all the new owners of Julie Ahmad artwork. It is always a humbling experience when longtime and new customers are excited about my art work.
I love knowing that these pieces that mean so much to me are going to loving homes where they will be cherished.

Something new this year was the collaborative piece between myself and the other artists of Femme-Easta. The positive response for our "We Have Something to Get Off Our Chest" wall from tour-goers was fantastic!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate and talk with us. One guy even came back and printed his own sign! We appreciate the dedication and the thought that was put into it!

Finally thank you to all our sponsors! We couldn't do it without you!
